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Major League Baseball pitchers Rex Brothers and Craig Kimbrel trust Earthquake Outdoors for their personal deer farms, and you should too!

I have been intensely managing and avidly hunting my 200+ acre parcel for over 12 years. I have used a wide array of products and methods over the years to try and accomplish my goal of growing and harvesting big mature TN bucks on this property year in and year out. The past two seasons have easily the been the best myself and my two sons have had on our property in the time I've owned it. I can honestly say that the only real change in that time that I can put my finger on, is that's when I began using Earthquake Mineral Attractant.  Like most, I've always kind of used whatever was available and most convenient at the local Co-op or wherever I am buying deer mineral. Most of these products were high in salt and low in nutrition compared to Earthquake. Some of the other products worked ok, but nothing every really wowed me! The deer found my Earthquake sites almost immediately when I put them out in 2019, and as I said, that happened to end up being our best season at the farm to date. In 2020, I saw no reason to fix what wasn't broken, but I did begin to top my mineral sites off with an Earthquake Block. Again, a steady year-round diet of good food plots and good mineral supplementation ended up with a few more mature bucks on the ground in the fall and topping our success in 2019! For me, simply put, the proof is in the pudding, and Earthquake will be my mineral supplement of choice from now on!

-- Jeremy P., Tennessee

2020 was the first introduction of Earthquake Mineral Attractant to both my Indiana and Kentucky deer herds.  This product surpassed my expectations by far!  From watching fawn development, to antlers mature, I knew I had found the supplement I had been looking for. I must warn new users that the continuous activity at the mineral site will leave nothing short of a crater!  I am extremely excited for another year's worth of supplement adding to the health of my deer herd. If you want to increase herd health and antler growth, this product would be my recommendation!

-- Adam Saunders, Indiana


Like most folks out there, I have tried many different popular salt/mineral products that are currently out there. Too put it simply, nothing compares to EarthQuake Mineral Attractant! I conducted many side by side tests with popular products like Trophy Rock, an every single time EarthQuake out performed each one. Big bucks seem to come from everywhere to get it, and, just as important, they stay on it! I'd highly recommend EarthQuake to anyone! Hold them and Grow them with EarthQuake Mineral Attractant.

-- Clint Holden, Holden's Tracking Service
Prostaff at Southern Woods and Waters


EarthQuake – amazing!! That's all you can say. I bought this stuff last week and put it out the other day. The same day I put it out I was lucky enough to meet these guys and ask them personally about their product. They told me to check the site in 48 hours. I thought they were full of it, but sure enough I checked it today and my memory card from my trail cam was completely full. The deer would not leave the EarthQuake site; four bucks and countless does. It speaks for itself. This stuff is great and I will continue to use it from now on.

-- Robert Reese, Kentucky


I placed the EarthQuake Mineral Attractant near my food plot. I can see the food plot from my back deck and I have been very surprised to see the deer come in every day and night to eat the clover. They always go over to the EarthQuake site. I am not sure what is in it but I can assure you that it works. I have been so happy with the mineral that I have ordered four more tubs so I can get it out before our fall deer season. I am very happy with the product and will continue to use them for my personal hunting and for M2D CAMO's Livin' the Dream TV! Not only does EarthQuake Outdoors have a great product that works, they are also cheaper than the competitors. Thanks guys! Keep putting out a great product at a great rate.

-- Sparky, President M2D CAMO
Host of M2D CAMO's Livin' the Dream TV


What can I say besides it’s the best there is. I like  a lot of folks have tried pretty much every mineral product on the market. Some with good results and some with not so good results. I can tell you without a doubt, earthquake mineral supplement/attractant is the best you can buy. Since using earthquake I have gotten more bucks pictures on trail cam than I ever have. Earthquakes blend is full of the things bucks need during antler development to help them stay healthy and reach their maximum potential. It’s also great for does nursing their fawns to keep them healthy during crucial times in the early stages of their life. So if you want a healthy deer herd and more bucks in front of your trail cam, then pick up a bag of Earthquake today and give it a try.

-- Aaron Ellis, Mossy Oak Pro-Staff Gamekeepers Southeast
Scent-Lok Brand Ambassador, Mid TN Limbhangers Chapter NWTF Committee Member

Last year while hunting not far from where I had put out the EarthQuake Mineral Attractant earlier in the year during KY's muzzleloader season, I was able to take my biggest deer to date. A 10 pointer that scored in the 130's. Along with that buck were two others; one later in the season killed by my nephew, a 7 pointer. that scored around 120. Using this product definitely, without a doubt was the reason these deer were traveling in this direction. This product is not a gimmick like SO many of the others on the market. It's the REAL DEAL! Don't make the mistake of using something other than EarthQuake Mineral Attractant; you will be wasting your money and time in the woods.

-- Jason McMullen, Kentucky

With over 22 years of hunting experience, 5 P&Y bucks, close to 200 bow kills and hundreds of different products used, I can honestly say I have never seen a product that worked so quickly.. They have put together one heck of a product and, in my opinion, if you are using anything else other than the EarthQuake, you are wasting your time. Get this product!! It is unbelievably awesome!! EarthQuake outdoors has a customer for life!!!!

-- Harrison Outdoors

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